139 research outputs found


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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/SRF2011/papers/tupo011.pdfInternational audienceCouplers are technological devices that permit RF power matching between RF source and cavities. An high cleaning quality requirement especially for the coupler cold part directly linked to the cavity is needed. Even if the actual coupler preparation procedure at LAL works well, contamination risks remain due to the handling, no repeatability and a too long time duration (5 days) which is not acceptable for machines like ILC where around 16000 couplers would be prepared. Our challenge is to suppress these weak points, in designing an automatic coupler cleaning machine which give us a lower contamination risk, a fulthe cleaning and only 3 hours of process

    RF Coaxial Resonator for Investigating Multipactor Discharges on Metal and Dielectric Surfaces

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/LINAC2014/html/auth0693.htmTHPP096International audienceMultipactor discharge is a phenomenon in which electrons impact one or more material surfaces in resonance with an alternating electric field. The discharge can occur for a wide range of frequencies, from the MHz range to tens of GHz, and in wide array of geometries if the impacted surface has a secondary electron emission (SEE) yield larger than one. The discharge can take place on a single surface or between two surfaces. A novel coaxial resonator to investigate two-surface multipactor discharges on metal and dielectric surfaces in the gap region under vacuum conditions has been designed and tested. The resonator is ~ 100 mm in length with an outer diameter of ~ 60 mm (internal dimensions). A pulsed RF source delivers up to 30 W average power over a wide frequency range 650-900 MHz to the RF resonator. The incident and reflected RF signals are monitored by calibrated RF diodes. An electron probe provides temporal measurements of the multipacting electron current with respect to the RF power. These experiments were successful in identifying multipacting and allowed us the evaluation of a home made sputtered titanium nitride (TiN) thin layers as a Multipactor suppressor

    Titanium Nitride Coating as a Multipactor Suppressor on RF Coupler Ceramic Windows

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    International audienceLAL-Orsay is developing an important effort on R&D studies on RF power couplers. One of the most critical components of those devices is the ceramic RF window that allows the power flux to be injected in the coaxial line. The presence of a dielectric window on a high power RF line has a strong influence on the multipactor phenomena. To reduce this effect, the decrease the secondary emission yield (SEY)of the ceramic window is needed. Due to its low SEY coefficient, TiN coating is used for this goal. In this framework, a TiN sputtering bench has been developed in LAL. The reactive sputtering of TiN needs the optimisation of gas flow parameters and electrical one, to obtain stoechiometric deposit. XRD analysis was performed to control the film composition and stoechiometry. Measurements point out how the Nitrogen vacancy on the film can be controlled acting on the N2 flow. In addition, the coating thickness must be optimized so that the TiN coating effectively reduces the SEY coefficient but does not cause excessive heating, due to ohmic loss. For this purposes, multipactor level breakdown and resistance measurements were done for different deposit thickness

    Titanium Nitride Coating as a Multipactor Suppressor

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    WEPEC002International audienceLAL-Orsay is developing an important effort on R&D and technology studies on RF power couplers for superconductive cavities. One of the most critical components of those devices is the ceramic RF window that allows the power flux to be injected in the coaxial line. The presence of a dielectric window on a high power RF line has a strong influence on the multipactor phenomena. The most important method to reduce the multipactor is to decrease the secondary emission yield of the ceramic window. Due to its low Secondary electron Emission Yield (SEY), TiN thin film is used as a multipactor suppressor coating on RF ceramic coupler windows. In this frame work, TiN deposition was made by magnetron reactive sputtering. XPS and XRD analysis were performed to control the film composition and stoechiometry. Coating thickness was optimized so that the TiN coating effectively reduces the SEY but does not cause excessive heating, due to ohmic loss. For this purpose, SEY measurements on covered and uncovered TiN Alumina substrates, multipactor level breakdown on TiN coated Cupper substrates and RRR measurements were performed for different deposit thicknesses

    Titanium Nitride Coating of RF Ceramic Windows by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering

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    International audienceLAL-Orsay is developing an important effort on R&D and technology studies on RF power couplers for superconductive cavities. These are complex and high technology devices due to their basic functions: vacuum and temperature separation form the environment to the cavity. One of the most critical components of high power couplers is the ceramic RF window that allows the power flux to be injected in the coaxial line. The presence of a dielectric window on a high power RF line has in fact a strong influence on the multipactor phenomena, a resonant electron discharge that is strongly limiting for the RF components performances. The most important method to reduce the multipactor is to decrease the secondary emission yield of the ceramic window. Due to its low secondary electron emission coefficient, TiN thin film is used as a multipactor suppressor coating on RF ceramic coupler windows. In the framework of the EU program FP6 the LAL-Orsay and the LNL-Legnaro establish a collaboration to develop a coating bench that takes into account the different strong constraints on stoechiometry and film coating thickness given by coupler operating conditions. Reactive magnetron sputtering technology was chosen to obtain such deposit. A full description of a sputtering bench recently installed in LAL, and its main characteristics are given. Stoechiometric TiN films are obtained by optimization of reactive gas flow (N2), for a given bias and a given ionisation gas flow (Ar). XRD analysis was performed to control film composition. From the data obtained, lattice parameter is calculated for each deposit and film stoechiometry is determined. XPS analysis of stoechiometric film had shown the existence of oxygen and carbon mainly in the surface. However, it shows also that the ratio Ti/N in atomic percentage is equal to 1

    Review Article p16 INK4A and p14 ARF Gene Promoter Hypermethylation as Prognostic Biomarker in Oral and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Review

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is a heterogeneous group of tumors with each subtype having a distinct histopathological and molecular profile. Most tumors share, to some extent, the same multistep carcinogenic pathways, which include a wide variety of genetic and epigenetic changes. Epigenetic alterations represent all changes in gene expression patterns that do not alter the actual DNA sequence. Recently, it has become clear that silencing of cancer related genes is not exclusively a result of genetic changes such as mutations or deletions, but it can also be regulated on epigenetic level, mostly by means of gene promoter hypermethylation. Results from recent studies have demonstrated that DNA methylation patterns contain tumor-type-specific signatures, which could serve as biomarkers for clinical outcome in the near future. The topic of this review discusses gene promoter hypermethylation in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The main objective is to analyse the available data on gene promoter hypermethylation of the cell cycle regulatory proteins p16 INK4A and p14 ARF and to investigate their clinical significance as novel biomarkers in OSCC. Hypermethylation of both genes seems to possess predictive properties for several clinicopathological outcomes. We conclude that the methylation status of p16 INK4A is definitely a promising candidate biomarker for predicting clinical outcome of OSCC, especially for recurrence-free survival

    La comunicazione interculturale e l’approccio comunicativo: dall’idea allo strumento

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    il saggio si inserisce in un filone di ricerca aperto nel 199 e proseguito con saggi e volumi: in questo caso di descrive e discute la progettazione di un passo fondamentale, dall'elaborazione teorica del modello di riferimento alla traduzione di tale modello in strumento operativo per la consultazione e la didattica

    Ubiquitous robust communications for emergency response using multi-operator heterogeneous networks

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    A number of disasters in various places of the planet have caused an extensive loss of lives, severe damages to properties and the environment, as well as a tremendous shock to the survivors. For relief and mitigation operations, emergency responders are immediately dispatched to the disaster areas. Ubiquitous and robust communications during the emergency response operations are of paramount importance. Nevertheless, various reports have highlighted that after many devastating events, the current technologies used, failed to support the mission critical communications, resulting in further loss of lives. Inefficiencies of the current communications used for emergency response include lack of technology inter-operability between different jurisdictions, and high vulnerability due to their centralized infrastructure. In this article, we propose a flexible network architecture that provides a common networking platform for heterogeneous multi-operator networks, for interoperation in case of emergencies. A wireless mesh network is the main part of the proposed architecture and this provides a back-up network in case of emergencies. We first describe the shortcomings and limitations of the current technologies, and then we address issues related to the applications and functionalities a future emergency response network should support. Furthermore, we describe the necessary requirements for a flexible, secure, robust, and QoS-aware emergency response multi-operator architecture, and then we suggest several schemes that can be adopted by our proposed architecture to meet those requirements. In addition, we suggest several methods for the re-tasking of communication means owned by independent individuals to provide support during emergencies. In order to investigate the feasibility of multimedia transmission over a wireless mesh network, we measured the performance of a video streaming application in a real wireless metropolitan multi-radio mesh network, showing that the mesh network can meet the requirements for high quality video transmissions
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